What is surgical gastroenterology?

Surgical Gastroenterology is specialised area of surgery that deals with surgical issues of digestive system. This department manages the digestive system issues that incorporate Esophagus, stomach, Rectum, Anal canal, Pancreas, Liver, Gall bladder, Bile duct and so forth. Experts who diagnose and treat GI issues are known as Gastroenterologist. They carry out endoscopic procedures to diagnose the disorder.

Surgery might be utilized to eliminate a harmful or noncancerous development or damaged part of the body, like the intestine. It might likewise be utilized to fix an issue like a hernia. Minor surgeries are utilized to screen and diagnose the issues of the digestive system.

When you should visit a surgical gastroenterologist in Vijayawada?

If you find the accompanying gastrointestinal system related issues you ought to visit a Gastroenterologist soon. Symptoms are:

  1. Bleeding
  2. Constipation
  3. Looseness of the bowels
  4. Nausea
  5. Heartburn
  6. Weight gain or loss
  7. Vomiting
  8. Stomach pain or abdomen pain

The following are gastrointestinal conditions that might be treated with procedure:

  1. Appendicitis: At the point when the appendix is infected and inflamed, it could be taken out (appendectomy).
  2. Colon cancer and other gastrointestinal cancers: Medical procedure is performed to eliminate cancerous tumors in the digestive system and parts of the digestive system that have cancer.
  3. Diverticular illness: A diverticulum is a tiny pocket or pocket in the colon (digestive organ). This is frequently managed without medical procedure. If somebody has a lot of diverticula that frequently become inflamed, the specialist might recommend bowel resection surgery to eliminate that part of the intestine.
  4. Gallbladder disease: At the point when there is an issue with the gallbladder — normally gallstones — the gallbladder can be taken out. Surgery to eliminate the gallbladder is likewise called a cholecystectomy.
  5. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and hiatal hernias: GERD, or acid reflux is the point at which the acid from the stomach backs up into the throat (food pipe) and causes heart burn.
  6. Hernia: A hernia is the point at which a part of the body (like the digestive tract) comes through a hole or weak point in the muscle or wall or connective tissue that should safeguard it. Gastrointestinal specialists can repair the hole or point of weakness.
  7. Inflammatory bowel disease: With inflammatory bowel sickness, the immune system attacks the intestines and causes pain and inflammation. This can prompt harm in the intestine. Sometimes the harmed parts are eliminated and the healthy parts are reconnected. This is known as bowel resection.
  8. Rectal prolapse: Medical procedure is utilized to treat rectal prolapse, a condition in which part of the intestine gets through the anus.
  9. Weight reduction: Various sorts of bariatric medical procedure might be performed to treat obesity.

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